Brain Dump – What’s On My Mind

Hello there blog followers (cough*just my dad*cough). =]

There has been so much going on in my head lately, AH! Maybe if I finally jot it down then I can sleep at night. Whew. Here we go:

1. I really really really want to go out to the West Coast this year to visit with my family, but it’s so darn expensive. How do you decide what to do with your money when you’re on a budget!? To go for a week would be about $1,000 for both Hubs and I. (And if we’re going to go to ALL THE WAY to the other side of the US (ha – I make it sound sooo far) then it’s going to be for at least a week!) I know $1,000 doesn’t sound like a lot to some people, but that’s a sizable chunk for me. I haven’t been there since I left in 2007. Luckily I was able to see almost all of my family when they came to the East Coast for my wedding in 2011, but still. It’s almost been two years now. I have so much family there. Why can’t all you West Coasters just move on over to the East??! =]

MOST of my West Coast family.
MOST of my West Coast family.

You can tell that this was at the end of the day and everyone was tired of smiling – ha! =]

2. Hubs and I have been talking more and more about starting our own family! I’m super excited about it, but also very nervous. I know that everything will be okay and I pray about it constantly, but there’s still a small part of my brain that doesn’t let me forget about what could go wrong. It’s such an exciting thing and I am anxious for it, but it’s quite nerve wracking too! (And the idea of trying to start a family makes the idea of spending $1,000 to travel a lot less appealing. =[ But I really want to go, but should I be spending that much when I could use that for baby stuff? But I want to go. But I can’t justify it. But I want to.)

3. The weather here is getting pretty awesome and warm. We’re in the mid 80’s with lows in the mid 60’s. It’s beautiful. But guess what? Our house is right around 12-13 years old and we need a new AC unit. =[ The one we currently have is old, was not serviced bi-yearly like it should have been by the previous homeowners, AND is too small for the house that we have. It’s 80s degrees IN our house because the AC can’t keep up. I know some people say 80 is the “go to” for energy saving purposes and I agree that 80 is okay if you’re doing ABSOLUTELY nothing, but the second you get up to get a drink of water, you’re hot. 80 is not comfortable. We finally ended up turning the AC off and opening the windows… not that it helped too much. Sort of, but not much. So add that to the expense list. Travel, baby, AC unit. Help me.

4. On a good note, we started an outdoor project! We Hubs started building a border around our mailbox so that I Hubs could fill it with pretty flowers! We scored a great deal on the landscaping posts at Home Depot so that helped! I’m all about a good deal. Here is a picture of it “in progress”. I’ll be sure to take a picture of the finished project too!
UPDATE:The mailbox flower bed is complete! Check it out here.

Yard5. My mom came to visit last weekend! We had a really good time. When we used to live together we had the same working schedule – off every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. So we spent a lot of time together doing girl things and what not. Ever since I moved away we obviously haven’t had that time and it was nice getting back to it this past weekend. My mom is only about 4 hours from me, but we still don’t get to see each other a whole lot. She came down this past weekend and Hubs and I went up in February, but before that I hadn’t seen my mom since Thanksgiving and before that it had been over a year. Anyway, we did our girlie things like getting our manicures and pedicures and we went shopping too. I’m hoping she moves down here soon. =]

Mom and I6. I started getting back on the elliptical! Hubs got an elliptical about a year ago for $20! The owners just didn’t want it anymore. At the time the elliptical was around $1400 retail and currently going for about $850 on ebay, so $20 was a STEAL. I got on the elliptical religiously when we first got it and then I missed ONE DAY. From there it just got easier to not get on it again. Well, with the talk of starting a family, I wanted to make sure I was in “good shape” so I started getting on it again. I’m not running and straining myself though. Now I go at a fast walk/jogging pace for a longer amount of time. I’m by no means “out of shape”, but I read somewhere that if you are working out before you get pregnant then it’s safer to continue your routine – rather than trying to start working out once you find out your pregnant. So anyway, I get on for about 25 minutes (my goal is at least four days out of the week) and go at a steady 4.1-4.5 miles per hour. I found out that I could set my Kindle on the ledge of the screen and read while I jog. =] It makes the time go by faster!

7. There is pollen EVERYWHERE. My silver vehicle is a nice shade of lime green/yellow. Since I have my windows down when I drive, I have pollen inside my car too. It adds a nice pop of color to my gray interior? There’s also a nice coat of pollen dust on my phone from driving with the windows down. I’m so glad I don’t have allergies. I feel bad for all of you that do! Hubs has it pretty bad in the beginning of Spring. That’s pretty much the reason the mailbox border was left “as is” last night. Hubs had to escape the pollen for the rest of the day and go inside. To a warm 80 degree house… ajklfjkajlfoiajhkahga.

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